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A New Trend In Autowatch Ghost Installers

페이지 정보

작성자 Luciana Fawcett


Autowatch Ghost Installers Nottingham

Everyday more vehicles are taken without owners keys. Cloning devices and door lock picks are easily available on the Internet which allows thieves to copy their key remotes and then start your vehicle in as little as 30 seconds.

Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser stops these techniques by blocking the ignition of your engine until a unique, personalised PIN code is entered. It is discreet & silent and doesn't rely on LED indicators, making it undetectable to a criminal.

Distinction & Silence

Everyday more vehicles are taken without the owner's keys with key cloning tools readily available to thieves online. Our Autowatch Ghost immobiliser can prevent this kind of theft by preventing the vehicle from starting unless you enter your personal code, which is entered via existing buttons on your car dashboard or the steering wheel.

Once the Ghost is activated after entering your personal pin code it will disable all electronic components of the vehicle and stop the engine from running. It is designed to be discrete & silent, meaning that it won't trigger any alarm sensors within the vehicle, and no LED indicators are displayed. This makes it nearly impossible to detect scanning devices for vehicle theft. Our installation technicians are TASSA-registered, DBS security-checked, and trained technicians. They will install the Ghost in a covert way and leave no trace of it was ever installed.

Our Ghost 2 device is also an auto tracker that transmits GPS signals that can be sent to your mobile phone, allowing you to pinpoint the location of your vehicle and view its movements on an interactive map. This lets you monitor the location of your car whilst it is in garage for service or repairs.

You can turn the application off or on within the app. This gives you complete control over your car's safety. The Autowatch Ghost app can be used to set up a 'Service Mode' for your vehicle that allows you to drive away without having to go through the disarming sequence for the button or even be inside the vehicle. This is particularly beneficial for those who need to drop the vehicle off at a local garage to get a service or repair.

Our latest app also allows you to use your mobile phone and your Ghost-II will be deactivated automatically once it comes into the range rover sport ghost installer of the vehicle, this makes security simple and easy. This feature is available even with your phone in the sleep mode in your pocket.

Simple to operate

The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser is silent and prevents vehicle thieves from hacking or cloning your key fob. The device is directly connected to the vehicle's CAN Data Network. It will only allow the vehicle to start once a PIN code is entered using the original buttons on your vehicle. This can be done by the user in a secret location or through the phone app. Autowatch Ghost is installed under the steering wheel or on the dash by TTW and only you'll be aware that it is there. It's also weatherproof, and is so small that it is undetectable by car thieves searching for circuit breakers or the distinctive clicking sound of a traditional ignition relay.

The availability of low-cost tools for cloning and door lock pick sets allow thieves to take virtually any vehicle of today without the owner's key. The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser can stop this from happening and can be transferred to a new vehicle if you switch vehicles throughout the duration of your warranty, provided that the vehicle is compatible with the Autowatch Ghost.

The device is installed by a qualified technician in a secret location and is then concealed to make it invisible to thieves, even when the engine is running. The Ghost does not transmit any radio frequency signals, Autowatch Ghost Installers Nottingham so it is impossible for thieves to locate the device using RF scanning or code-grabbing technology.

Another benefit of the Ghost is that it can be switched into Service/Valet mode so if your vehicle is taken for servicing at a garage, you don't have to worry about giving the technician access to your pin code. The Ghost can do this since it works with the original buttons on your vehicle, so no wiring is required.

The Autowatch Ghost has also been TASSA Verified, which means it is accepted by a variety of insurance companies as an extra security measure. You should speak to your insurance provider prior to installing the Ghost immobiliser. This will allow you to find a great deal on your policy and make sure your vehicle is protected against a costly theft claim.

No Radio Frequency Signals

Autowatch Ghost is the only system that can stop theft of vehicles through modern day key cloning. If your car is located in garage, bodyshop or dealership and someone inside copies your original key fob, the Ghost immobiliser will still cut out the engine, as only you can enter the unique pin code to start the vehicle. If the device is compromised Our TASSA-approved installers guide you on how to change the pin code.

The Ghost doesn't transmit radio frequency signals similar to other systems such as trackers. This means that thieves cannot identify it using RF scanners or code grabbers. This feature, in conjunction with the quiet and discrete operation, makes this an extremely secure and effective option.

iPhone users can connect to the Ghost-II with a simple application. You can simply enable the application whenever you plan to use your car, and when you get near the Ghost-II it will automatically disarm it. It is safe to drive in the car, since the phone will automatically arm when you've left.

It's a simple and effective method to ensure that you are secure while driving your vehicle. This app is free of charge to download from the iPhone App Store.

The Ghost-II is different from the original Autowatch Ghost as it does not feature LED indicators. This means that thieves won't be able to spot it until they are close enough to the vehicle to open a window and then turn on the light.

The autowatch ghost installation birmingham Ghost-II also features a power cut disconnect function which shuts off your vehicle's engine and supply power to the ignition when the system is activated. This is a great security feature to protect your vehicle when traveling for a long time or have put the keys in ignition. This is a fantastic security feature for families and business owners who need to park in public areas or for people who work in the road.

No LED Indicators

The Ghost is connected to the vehicle's CAN Data system, and a personalized PIN code is inputted via selected options on the dash board or on the steering wheel and allows the device to turn on. It doesn't use LED indicators, which makes it unnoticeable by scanners for vehicle theft and silent to operate. It can also be transferred from one vehicle to another, provided that the new car is compatible first and technological advancements in the past haven't made it obsolete later on. Holbon UK Ltd will install the Ghost immobiliser and provide the owner's manual and a certificate of authenticity.310300814_438157535072560_441431797686435441_nlow.jpg
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